The Airfields - Deeside
Location: Deeside, North Wales
Role: Principal Contractor
The project lies to the north of the River Dee, west of the A494 near Garden City. The site was previously the responsibility of Defence Estates and was part of the former RAF Sealand establishment. The proposed development plot site is divided into residential and commercial plots with a new 0.5 km full highway specification access road running onto site from the existing Welsh Road.
The project consists of remediation of the existing grounds to complete phase 1 of the contracted enabling works. Site clearance of 83 acres of land at the west of the Deeside Airfields site including the removal and crush of existing surfaces, hard standings, substructures, demolition of existing structures and the protection of others currently providing a designated ecological habitat.
- A spine road will be constructed to provide access from Welsh Road into a new residential and commercial plots
- Commercial plots are to be remediated and platforms installed to design levels
- The installation of foul water drainage including 2 new pumping stations designed by D Morgan
- Installation of storm water main river and ordinary watercourse system including new swales, culverts and wildlife habitats
- Installation of all Statutory Utilities connections and infrastructure to facilitate the future development.
Scope of Works
D Morgan has been appointed as Principle Contractor to design the pumping stations, statutory services and to deliver the whole project.
- Unexploded Ordnance Survey
- Establish Compound, perimeter fencing, Traffic and Pedestrian Routes.
- Trail Holes
- Site Clearance and Tree removal
- Ecology – translocation of orchids, bats, voles and reptiles
- Topsoil Strip and Stockpile – over 20k cm3
- Dewatering, Pump Stations, Secant Piling and Sheet Piling
- Remediate Commercial and Residential Plots
- Slab removal and process for re-use
- Screen and/or crush surplus site won material 30k cm3
- Demolish existing buildings – hangers and ancillary buildings
- Asbestos Removal
- Decommissioning and removal of former aviation fuel tank
- Rising Main – over 2km in length
- Installation of Foul and Surface Water Drainage
- Installation of Culvert (Offsite)
- Forming of new Swales over 1.2 km in total
- Installation of PCC Culverts and Headwalls
- Bulk Earthworks (Cut and fill operations) in excess of 70k cm3
- Place, grade and compact backfill
- Formation of New 505m Access Road
- Tarmac and design and installation of street lighting
- Testing & Validation of Works
- Landscaping (Planting)
- Archaeological & Ecological Protection, including tree protection.
- Water & Material Management
D Morgan believe strongly in providing for the local community and with this in mind we have worked closely with local representatives to keep them informed of our activities. We have also employed 7 people from the local community, either skilled or unskilled, to add to our team and assist in delivering this project. We know how important it is to have engagement with the residents and minimise our impact on their lives. As part of this the project is registered with Considerate Constructors Award where to date we have achieved high scores.